Hey there Masters of both the Game and Dungeon variety! Do you ever find yourself needing one-shots fast? Tired of spending hours crafting encounters only for your grognards to burn through it in 20 minutes? Are your adventures growing as stale as your cleric’s 10 days of rations? Well, fret no longer! Gemhammer & Sons, wacky wondersmiths and purveyors of magical marvels, are proud to present to you…
(Drumroll, please…)
(Come on, do a drumroll for me)
The Deck of Dynamic Dungeons!

(Thank you)
The Deck of Dynamic Dungeons is your new go-to dungeon crawl creation tool and random encounter generator. It's like having an entire campaign that fits right in your pocket!*
Creating encounters for your players can be a pain, and building a campaign is a ton of work. Even the most skilled DMs and GMs can occasionally fail their Wisdom save against writer’s block. Sometimes, you just need a quick and dirty dungeon for your players to kill… err, I mean… CRAWL through on their way to the next BBEG.

But hold onto your Natural 20’s, because this is no mere quick and dirty dungeon generator. The Deck of Dynamic Dungeons is a complete 5e RPG adventure experience with no additional cards necessary. It’s packed with subtle story hooks and mini-quests, making it a standalone dungeon crawl campaign. Each deck even includes a set of illustrated 1st-level character cards, so you can kick off a fresh campaign anywhere, anytime! Need a quick session on the fly? Need a palate cleanser after a lengthy quest or a filler arc for your epic campaign? Want to get some new folks into playing DnD? Need to take some cocky players down a couple pegs? The Deck of Dynamic Dungeons is here to do all that and more.

This deck of encounter cards is incredibly versatile. Use it as a random encounter deck or dive into the campaign hidden within the cards. Some enemies will drop loot that serves as quest items, and some rooms remain locked or inaccessible until certain quests are completed or conditions are met. Without any other setup, the Deck of Dynamic Dungeons can be used to play a mega dungeon-style campaign fresh out of the box. We've included as little flavor as possible, allowing you to easily adapt encounters to your game world.
The room and encounter cards are divided into tiers of Challenge Ratings, so you can easily tailor your dungeon to your party’s level. Unless, of course, you’re a particularly brutal Game Master. In that case, give your merciless little murder hobos all the cards, regardless of challenge rating, and watch them run screaming from things they can’t fight. Hey, it’s your game; play it your way!
With a deck of 100 dungeon generator cards and a hidden campaign, along with four Level 1 character cards, you can start playing a one-shot anywhere, anytime with no prep work on your part. Just break out the deck and start rolling your dice.
Back us on Kickstarter now and bring the Deck of Dynamic Dungeons to your table!

The Deck of Dynamic Dungeons 2 will begin as a collection of the cards unlocked by the stretch goals by that point (excluding the Redux Delux card, more on that later). Each Stretch goal after that will add an additional set of cards to the deck up to 100 cards. Once the stretch goal is unlocked, a single copy of this deck will be free for all backers of the Kickstarter who order a Deck of Dynamic Dungeons.